Puppy Love
Here come THE DOGS OF ALPHA XI! Meet some of our fluffy friends!
Angela and Everest
Angela Wharton (PC ‘19) and her samoyed, Everest, love to go on adventures together!
“The unconditional love that a dog can give has taught me how to be a kind, easy-going person.” - Angela
Check them out on Instagram at instagram.com/samoyed.everest !
Kota and Ari
Kota and her German Shepherds
Kota Teasley (PC ‘18) loves to bring her four German Shepherds around Tech Green and the Alpha Xi house, and they have made appearances at our philanthropy fundraisers (like when we did a Doggie Kissing Booth)! One of her Germans, Rio, loves the attention, love, and snacks he gets from our sisters, and he gets SUPER excited whenever he gets to come to the Alpha Xi house.
Kota also runs the German Shepherds instagram account to post updates! Check her out at instagram.com/GermanShepherds !
Rio and his best friend, Buzz!
Jaci and Bailey
Jaci Csubak (PC ‘19) and her adorable golden doodle Bailey love to play fetch on Tech Green, go on trips to the beach, and visit the Alpha Xi house!
Keturah’s roommate, Danielle Glickstein, and Gotti!
Keturah, Gotti, and Lucy
Keturah Mort (PC ‘18) fostered a pitbull named Gotti with her roommates this year, and her family also includes Lucy.
Keturah and Lucy!
Paws in the air if you love Julia!
Julia and Zoey
This year, Julia Morrissey (PC ‘19) and her family welcomed a new member - Zoey! So. Cute.
Peyton and Ridley
Peyton Woods and her AussieDoodle, Ridley, love to play in the snow and hang out with the Alpha Xis! Ridley came to show support at the Alpha Xi Delta Step it Up 5k and cheered on the runners with his cute face!
Sarah and Ansley at Pizza and Puppies
Sarah Deiters and Ansley Schipper, both members of PC ‘19, went to Beta Theta Pi’s philanthropy event Pizza and Puppies this year and had a blast! They met sweet dogs like these two - Zealand and Kalani.