Bid Day, Best Day!

From Day 1, Alpha Xi Delta is welcoming and fun, and older sisters LOVE to shower love on all of the new member class. After a long week of recruitment, our sisters wait eagerly on Tech Green for our new members, blasting music, covering ourselves with glitter, blowing bubbles, dancing with our sisters, and, of course, taking our signature Bid Day pictures!

The day truly reflects the excitement and joy we get from adding more people to our family and knowing how many precious memories lay ahead for our new members.


“Running home to Alpha Xi as part of the 2022 member class was an indescribable feeling - everyone’s energy was so amazing and all of the older girls were SO excited to welcome us and love us! It’s such a happy day of music, paint, glitter, and getting to know your new best friends.”

Tessa orozco

“Bid Day is one of my favorite days of the year because it’s always so exciting to welcome our new members! I also love it because it reminds me that our sisterhood with a whole lot of energy, fun, and Alpha Xi Spirit. Bid Day gets me so excited to create new friendships with all our new members!”

Allison Adams

“Bid Day is one of my favorite parts about Alpha Xi because it's when we get to meet all the wonderful girls who are going to become part of our chapter! Singing at the top of our lungs and dancing around the house with all of our sisters is fills my heart with so much joy and is the perfect way to start off a year with Alpha Xi!” 

Sophia bowie


For Potential New Members

Click here to register for 2024 Formal Recruitment!

To find out more about formal recruitment and the Collegiate Panhellenic Council at Georgia Tech, please visit our official website at

To learn more about Greek life in general at Tech, please visit