Big little spotlight by Alexandra and Maeve!

Dear Little,

Thank you for being the sister I always wished for. Being your Big has been such a blessing and, most importantly, so much fun. From the moment we met during recruitment, I saw so much of myself in you: we’re both from out of state, both have three brothers, and both have always wanted a sister—a big reason we both wanted to join a sorority.

Now, I can truly say I’ve found a forever sister in you. You never fail to make me laugh, and I know I can always count on you to brighten my day. I can’t wait to make even more amazing memories together.

With so much love, 
Your Big Alexandra

Dear Big,

I can still remember the first time meeting you during the sisterhood round of Fall rush. I sat there in shock, that within a 5 minute conversation, I found someone who I connected with instantly. Since that moment, you have been nothing but an inspiring role model to me, as a student, mentor, and friend. Thank you for always being there for me when I need it most and for making me laugh with every chance that you get. You never fail to light up every room that you walk into and lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it. I can’t wait to see what is in store for us in these next couple of years, but I have no doubt it will be filled with memories that will last a lifetime. You have made me love sisterhood more than I could have ever imagined and continue to be the best big I could have ever asked for. I could not be more grateful that Alpha Xi Delta helped me find you, as my dream sister and forever friend.

Love always,

Your Little Maeve

Ellie Rich